Christ Rivers-The Blessing Hub holds the mandate by the influence of the Holy Spirit to reach and prepare a glorious church not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish that Christ, the head of the church might present the church to himself. [Ephesians 5:23-27]
We emphasis on rightly dividing the word of truth to ensure the church partakes and express in all fullness their authority.
As a commission, we are driven by the great commission, Matthew 28:19. Turning the lost to Christ, The head of Church.
As an institution, we aim through training and instructions, to raise believers to live the fullness of the Christ-life. [Galatians 4:19]
Children, our heartbeat, where through structured learning and fun, children are raised with seeds of Faith and natured by standard of Christ. Raising the foundation of many generations. [Mark 10:14]